کد خبر: ۷۷۳۰۷
زمان انتشار: ۱۰:۱۹     ۱۴ شهريور ۱۳۹۱
جمعی از دوستان و همکاران حجت‌الله ربانی دانشمند بازداشت شده ایرانی در سوئد در اعتراض به وضعیت این دانشمند، نامه‌ای به بان‌کی‌مون دبیرکل سازمان ملل نوشتند.

فارس، جمعی از دوستان و همکاران حجت‌الله ربانی دانشمند بازداشت شده ایرانی در سوئد در اعتراض به وضعیت این دانشمند، نامه‌ای به بان‌کی‌مون دبیرکل سازمان ملل نوشتند و این نامه را در سفر وی به تهران برای شرکت در اجلاس عدم‌تعهد به دبیرکل سازمان ملل تحویل دادند و خواستار رسیدگی این نهاد بین‌المللی به وضعیت این دانشمند ایرانی شدند.

دوستان و همکاران ربانی در هنگام تحویل نامه این دانشمند ایرانی بازداشت شده در سوئد، ضمن گفت‌وگو با بان‌کی‌مون از وی خواستند که پیگیر وضعیت ربانی باشد که دبیرکل سازمان ملل هم قول‌های مساعدی در این زمینه داد.

متن نامه یاد شده به شرح زیر است:


His Excellency

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

We were recently informed that Dr. Hojattallah Rabbani, a prominent  Iranian scientist and a member of  the Society of  Iranian Immunologists, has been imprisoned in Sweden due to a domestic dispute and quarrel with his wife.

Dr.Rabbani is a prominent scientist in the field of immunology and cancer immunotherapy. His recent findings in cancer diagnosis and treatment are greatly notable scientific achievements that can revolutionize cancer treatment. He has contributed to numerous scientific publication in his twenty years of dedicated service to the "Avicenna Research Institute” of Iran and the "Karolinska Instiute” of Sweden. His most recent publication appeared in Jun 2012 issu of the journal "Leukemia” (leukemia, Jun 2012, 26:1348-55).

We, Dr rabbani’s students, colleages patients, friends and family members were also informed that the strict conditions in the prison and the heavy sentencing of five years imprisonment and payment of heavy fines have led to augmentation of his psychological instability that led to a nearly successful suicide attempt after which he was transferred to hospital under severe conditions (coma).

We are therefore greatly concerned about his medical conditions and from your Excellency your generous assistance in providing him with appropriate medical care which will surely not be available to him in prison.

We tank you for your kind help which will surely improve his conditions and will give him the hope to look into future more eagerly.

Kinds regards,

Dr rabbani’s students, colleagues,

patients, friends and family members

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جدیدترین اخبار پربازدید ها
09107726603 تماس یا پیام در پیام رسان های ایتا و تلگرام