إِنَّ‌اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالْإِحْسَانِ وَإِيتَاءِ ذِي‌الْقُرْبَىٰ وَ يَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ * * * به راستی خدا به عدالت و احسان و بخشش به خویشاوندان فرمان می‌دهد و از فحشا و منکر و ستمگری نهی می‌کند. شما را اندرز می‌دهد تا متذکّر [این حقیقت] شوید [که فرمان‌های الهی، ضامن سعادت دنیا و آخرت شماست.] * * * حق به داد و دهش دهد فرمان / نيز انفاق بهر نزديكان

کد خبر: ۲۹۴۱۴۴
زمان انتشار: ۱۱:۳۱     ۲۰ بهمن ۱۳۹۳
نامه رهبر انقلاب به ۴۳ زبان دنیا

Full Text of The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Western Youth, in 43 Languages

Source : ABNA
Message of Ayatollah Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America in 43 Languages

AhlulBayt News Agency - ABNA 

Full Text of The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Western Youth, in 43 Languages :

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in ALBANIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in ARABIC

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in ARANI

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in ARMENIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in AZERI (Cirilic)

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in AZERI (Latin)

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in BENGALI - বাঙ্গালী

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in BOSNIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in CHINESE

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in DANISH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in DUTCH (Nederlands)

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in ENGLISH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in FRENCH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in FULANI

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in GEORGIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in GERMAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in HAUSA

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in HEBREW

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in HINDI - हिंदी

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in INDONESIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in ITALIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in JAPANESE

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in KAZAKH - Қырғыз

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in KURDISH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in KYRGYZ

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in MALAY

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in MYANMAR (Burmese)

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in NORWEGIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in PASHTO

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in PERSIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in PORTUGUESE

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in RUSSIAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in SINDH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in SPANISH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in SWAHILI

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in SWEDISH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in TAJIK

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in TALESHI

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in THAI

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in TURCOMAN

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in TURKISH

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in URDU

- The Message of Imam Khamenei to the Youth in Europe and North America, in UZBEK


End/ 129 - 101

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09107726603 تماس یا پیام در پیام رسان های ایتا و تلگرام